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Amateur to Pro Competitor: Q&A

Writer's picture: Amanda AguzziAmanda Aguzzi

Q: As a pro, what would you tell your beginner self with knowing what you know now?

A: I told my beginner self to write everything down and ask everyone questions. Both of which I did for the most part. I’ve always put a huge emphasis on balance both physically and mentally. Pushing my limit, but also knowing when to rest- with both mind , diet and training.

As far as actions, I do wish I vlogged what I went through in the beginning stages. I figured everything out myself and the questions I wrote down like, “do I wear stripper heels on stage?” probably could have helped some girls.

Q: What do you do to help the mind struggle with prep and with watching your body change is the offseason?

A: I write down my why, my goals, my plan of action. I study different things pertaining to what I’m going through. I listen to motivational audible books, and videos.

Q: What struggles in general did u have and learned to overcome? A: I’ve definitely struggled post show . I’ve always been the type to consume a ridiculous amount of calories (I’ve been eating entire pizzas since I was 7). I’ve never labeled this “binge eating “ per say, in fear that it’s enabling to my lack of control. I get over this by planning my meals( focusing on what I CAN eat in my plan (typically always very flexible), and eating mindfully.

Q: Watching your instagram you are always in a fitness atmosphere, and always kicking ass, however do u ever get tired of the routine? what do u do to keep the enjoyment or mix things up?

A: I never do the same routine in the gym! I will do an F45 class if I’m feeling super stagnant, or a hike/ workout outside or yoga.

Q: How many shows in total until you became pro? A: I turned pro on my 5th show, 4th national show.

Q: As a teen who wants a figure look and am a more muscular girl, and lift more than most of my guy friends, do u have any advice on how to handle the bad gossip about not being some people ideal looking girl?

A: Hold your head up high and don’t even hear it. You’re better than the insecurities of others. Just do your best and be an example for others. You don’t even know the lengths of your inspiration, it’s incredible.

Nationals, 2017

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